ACE Private Collection Auctions

Adhering to ACE’s mission of rewarding exemplary coffee farmers, we are proud to host our Private Collection Auctions. By pinpointing exceptional producers with this program, we curate auctions with organizations and farmers who best exemplify ACE’s standards with our Cup of Excellence programming. With these curated auctions, we hope to expand our reach and serve even more farmers worldwide. 

We work with farms, estates, and interested organizations who meet the rigorous standards that ACE has pioneered since its inception in 1999. If you are interested in partnering with ACE in an auction please read the following basic eligibility criteria.

For further information and to express interest please email us at [email protected]

Upcoming Auctions


One Of A Kind, Guatemala
Aug 3, 2023
Best of Yemen
August 8, 2023


Previous Auctions

Los Favoritos with Fincas Mierisch

Our private auction “Los Favorites” was born in 2013 as an initiative to show the world the exquisiteness and allure of the coffees produced by Fincas Mierisch in Nicaragua. Characterized by cultivating different varieties and experimenting with distinct post-harvest processes, the lots are chosen from the cream of the crop of the family ‘s eight farms. Quality is not a coincidence. Quality is hard work that is built every day. We are a generation that is passionate about coffee and our mission is always focused on continuous improvement, innovation, and sustainability.


Isla Custom Coffees – Hawaiian Specialty

After almost a decade of sourcing Hawaiian specialty coffees for clients, Isla Custom Coffees has a deep network of farmers throughout the islands — and a track record of developing top-scoring beans in domestic and international cupping competitions. For this auction, Isla worked with about 15 of its best producers, including winners in the Roaster’s Guild Coffees of the Year Competitions (COTY), the Hawaii Coffee Association’s cupping competitions, and the Kona Coffee Festival Cupping Competitions. The result: 16 auction lots grown in the Kona, Ka‘u, and Oahu regions. 

Ngorongoro – Tanzanian Specialty

On February 2, 2021, ACE in partnership with Portland Global Initiatives and the Ngorongoro Coffee Group were pleased to host the 2021 Tanzania Ngorongoro Private Collection Auction. The Ngorongoro Coffee Group has been producing the Cupping at the Crater since 2012 to encourage the regions farms to communicate and share knowledge and varieties to produce some of the most amazing coffees possible. The group shares knowledge on processing options and has over 18 known varieties in production.


Qima – Yemeni Specialty

On July 23, 2019, we partnered with London Based, Qima Coffee, for the first-ever Private Collection Auction between and ACE and QIMA. Nearly 500 micro lots were narrowed down to the top 33 by a jury comprised of professional tasters from Dubai, USA, Australia and France. The competition was held in Portland, Oregon June 24th and 25th. This auction represented the largest auction in Yemen’s specialty coffee history.

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